Why Is Upload Slower Than Download

I ran my Internet connection through SpeedTest.net which claims that it finds out the actual Internet speed, much lower than that promised by my ISP.

Upload speeds are generally slower than download speeds because of the fact that most internet connected equipment is asymmetric. Asymmetric means that any one packet of. Yevgeniy: I ran into your blog post 'Got slow download but fast upload speeds over wireless? Here's a fix.' I have some info you may find useful. This happened to me too when I moved to Comcast - but I had DSL running in parallel. The Comcast traffic had this problem but the DSL did not. Www.trazii.com How to solve your LAN upload speed. First open Network and sharing center 2. How to fix slow lan upload speed. Boost Download Speeds, Lower Ping. Jan 21, 2007  So if your upload speed appears to be slower than your download speed, this is probably expected. Second, servers may be busy uploading and downloading files for many different users, so they are unable to provide the maximum possible speed for your files. Easy answer- since more people download than upload, the industry made. Gigabit Internet Download Speed Much Slower Than Upload I always get 900+ Mbps UPLOAD but never more than 300 Mbps DOWNLOAD. But, I get 900/900+ Mbps between the Router and the Server every time, *AND*, here's the real kicker: I get 900/900 Mbps from the desktop if I run in Safe Mode.

Why is lte download slower than upload

But—while downloading—the speed is much lesser than the test results. Even after using download mangers like Internet Download Manager, there isn’t much difference.

Are some background apps consuming my Internet bandwidth? If so, how can I divert all of the bandwidth towards one application?

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2 Answers

Are you sure you got control of BITS and BYTES?

When testing your speed with speedtests online, you're measuring BITS per second. When downloading files, your speed is in BYTES per second. As there is 8 bits in a byte - Your download speed 'should' equal your speedtest-result /8.

Getting 8mbps on speedtest, would give you 1MB/s download-speed.

Also check your sources. (Local-FTP???)You should also run different speedtests to verify a result. You will almost never get a 100% correct answer by running a speedtest, but it will give you a pointer.

To answer the question - there is software to monitor your computers bandwidth use, but it's not likely that's the culprit.

My guess is mixed terminology if you say the speed is 5 times higher on speedtest.

Upload Higher Than Download

Addition: I just did a speedtest on speedtest.net. In my example, I 'should' get a download speed of 32,5MB/s. Now - with that speed there are other things limiting downloads (like disk-speed+++) but it should give me a pointer of what I could expect with hardware that supports it.

Why Is Broadband Upload Speed Slower Than Download


To test your ACTUAL download speed, you can go to http://speedtest.tweak.nl/.
It generates a binary file on-the-fly, so no matter how fast your line, you will always get what is possible with YOUR connection, not limited by the remote server.

Why Is Upload Slower Than Download Speed

For traffic monitoring you could use one of the many free network monitors out there, to find out, which application produces how much traffic.

As for bandwith shaping, I do not know any free/open software that does this; they all cost money, afaik.


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Why Is My Upload Speed Slower Than Download

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